My Bookings

Booking Date
Booking Number Travel Date Total Price Status
image title
image title

Togago Booking ID
Hotel Booking ID
Booking Date
{{booking.bookingDate | newLongDateHotel}} {{booking.bookingDate | longTime}}
Check-in Date
{{booking.checkInDate | newLongDateHotel}} (1400)
Check-out Date
{{booking.details.checkOutDate | newLongDateHotel}} (1200)
Payment Method
GO Cash
Total Price
{{booking.details.currencyCode}} {{booking.details.totalPrice}}
Used GO Cash
{{returnStatus}} {{getStatus(booking.details.orderStatus)}}
Cancellation policy
Cancellation is free before {{booking.details.cancellationBefore | cancellationDate}}. If you fail to check in, no refund will be given.

Request cancellation / Refund
This is a non-refundable booking, and no changes or refunds will be allowed after the booking is confirmed.
Togago Booking ID
Train Ticket Number
{{booking.longElecNo.join(', ')}}
Booking Date
{{booking.bookingDate | newLongDate}}
Departure Time
{{booking.tR_FromStationName}} , {{booking.tR_StartTime | newLongDate}}
Arrival Time
{{booking.tR_ToStationName}} , {{booking.tR_ArriveTime | newLongDate}}
Train No
Seat Type
Payment Method
GO Cash
Total Price
{{booking.currencyCode}} {{booking.totalPrice}}
Used GO Cash
Refund requested
Refund Request Failed
Refund Remark
{{booking.currencyCode}} {{booking.refundedAmount}}(details)
Go Cash

Booking has been refunded CNY{{booking.refundedAmount}} in GO Cash points , please refer on your GO Cash transaction history. Click here to view the refund FAQ.

Booked by
Participation Date
{{activityDetail.preferredDateTimeTo | dateActivity}}
{{activityDetail.preferredDateTimeFrom | dateActivity}} - {{activityDetail.preferredDateTimeTo | dateActivity}}
{{activivityUnitInfo.localAdult}}x Adult Ticket
{{activivityUnitInfo.localChild}}x Child Ticket
{{activivityUnitInfo.localElderly}}x Elderly Ticket
{{activivityUnitInfo.localInfantPrice}}x Infant Ticket
{{activivityUnitInfo.localOku}}x OKU Ticket
{{activivityUnitInfo.foAdult}}x Foreigner Adult Ticket
{{activivityUnitInfo.foChild}}x Foreigner Child Ticket
{{activivityUnitInfo.foElderly}}x Foreigner Elderly Ticket
{{activivityUnitInfo.foInfantPrice}}x Foreigner Infant Ticket
{{activivityUnitInfo.foOku}}x Foreigner OKU Ticket
Amount Paid
{{booking.currencyCode}} {{activityDetail.amountPaid}}
GO Cash Redeem
Cancellation Policy:
No cancellation charges before 2021-06-23 18:00. If you failed to onboard no refund will be given.
Go Cash Icon GO Cash to be earn 200
image title
image title

Togago Booking ID
Hotel Booking ID
Booking Date
{{booking.bookingDate | newLongDateHotel}} {{booking.bookingDate | longTime}}
Check-in Date
{{booking.checkInDate | newLongDateHotel}} (1400)
Check-out Date
{{booking.details.checkOutDate | newLongDateHotel}} (1200)
Payment Method
GO Cash
Total Price
{{booking.details.currencyCode}} {{booking.details.totalPrice}}
Used GO Cash
{{returnStatus}} {{getStatus(booking.details.orderStatus)}}
Cancellation policy
Cancellation is free before {{booking.details.cancellationBefore | cancellationDate}}. If you fail to check in, no refund will be given.
This is a non-refundable booking, and no changes or refunds will be allowed after the booking is confirmed.